
ホーム > メンバー(研究員) > Ahissou Noudéhouénou Crédo Adelphe

Ahissou Noudéhouénou Crédo Adelphe

From Benin
Qualification BA in Economics and Management of Health Facilities, MSc in Global Health, Ph.D. candidate in Global Health Sciences
What I like Traveling, playing video games, debating, watching Naruto anime, listening to music, football, making friends.
Countries I've been to Nigeria, Togo, Senegal, Cambodia, Belgium, Japan.
Areas of interest Research and implementation in health.
Health policy analysis, Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage, Strategic Health Purchasing, Equity in health.
Reproductive health, Maternal health, Young women’s health.

Personal History
Credo Adelphe AHISSOU (male) holds a bachelor's degree in Economics and Management of Health Facilities and an MSc in Global Health which he obtained at the Graduate School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health at the University of Nagasaki in Japan. He also followed a short training course in qualitative and mixed methods of research in international health at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp in Belgium.
Credo worked at the Center for Research in Human Reproduction and Demography (CERRHUD) in Benin from October 2019 to September 2020, in the Department of Policies and Health System as an assistant in monitoring and evaluation of research activities. There, he was actively involved in several research projects such as the analysis of access to and use of modern contraceptive methods among adolescents and young women, the mapping of health care purchasing strategies in Benin, the analysis of the financing of the COVID19 response in Benin, data analysis for the monitoring of maternal/neonatal deaths in Benin, analysis of the relevance of technological platforms for the democratization and improvement of the health system in Benin, etc.
Also, Credo worked as a consultant for the Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Center (SPARC Africa) to document the financing of the COVID19 response in Benin and later for the Population Reference Bureau for the analysis of policy documents related to the reproductive health of young people in some francophone countries.
Since October 2020, Credo has enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Global Health Sciences at the University of Ryukyus in Okinawa/Japan.

“まっすぐじぶんおことばわまげねえ。。。それがおれのにどうだ!”   うずまきナルト
This phrase is one of my motivations to never give up, even when it's hard. Global health requires self-sacrifice because efforts can sometimes be slow to give the expected improvement in the health of people. My academic experience at the University of Ryukyus will allow me to learn and improve my skills to better contribute to the health of populations not only in my country Benin, but wherever I have the chance to intervene in the world.